Are there any benefits to taking part?
You will have the opportunity to contribute to research that may benefit others. You will also be reimbursed up to £60 for your time and travel expenses.
What does taking part involve?
Taking part will involve completing some computerised tasks and questionnaires related to your mental health, personality traits and if applicable experience of self-harm and/or binge eating. This will be carried out at Hammersmith Hospital near White City and will take 3 hrs.
Are there any risks to taking part?
There are no major risks to taking part, but some questions we ask and images we show you may remind you of self-harm or binge eating. You can read the participant information sheet for more information.
Who is conducting the study?
Researchers in the Mood Instability Research Group at Imperial College London are conducting the study.
Who is funding the research?
iMAGine is funded by the NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre.